Shoot structure variation of siberian stone pine (pinus sibirica du tour) along the latitudinal profile: ex situ research

Kuznetsova E.A.

Institute for monitoring of climatic and ecological systems SB RAS (Tomsk)


Shoot morphogenesis of Siberian stone pine is well-studied (Minina, 1971; Nekrasova, 1972; Goroshkevich, 1994; Goroshkevich, Popov, 2004). In the distal part of shoot sterile cataphylls are situated and in the other part of shoot fertile cataphylls namely brachyblasts, dormant buds, lateral auxiblasts and cones are located one after another (Goroshkevich, 1994; Goroshkevich, Popov, 2004). Considerable genetic variation in Siberian stone pine shoot length among latitudinal ecotypes was noted by many researches (Iroshnikov, 1976; Kolegova, 1976). Intraspecific variation of Siberian stone pine shoot structure also contributed in tree adaptation to natural habitat was not examined earlier. Investigation of annual shoot structure features of latitudinal Siberian stone pine ecotypes which clones were transferred under the similar conditions allowed to determine role of genetic and modification components in the variability of shoot structure.

Investigation was made in clone archive of scientific station “Cedar” IMCES SB RAS, 30 km south of Tomsk. Clones from parental populations from seven latitudes (5555 n.l.– 6550 n.l.) represented western siberian latitudinal profile were grafted on local ecotypes seedling in spring 1996 and were planted under the similar conditions. In summer 2007–2008 yy. shoot length growth and shoot structure were analyzed for all clones.

As latitude of parental tree’s origin increases both annual shoot length and needle length decrease 1.5 times, a similar tendency was observed in lateral shoot. Internode length have a tendency to decrease but there were not significant differences. The general number of axillary organs of north ecotypes is considerably less than those of south ecotypes. Order of axillary organs in shoot along profile remain the same except some features as elimination of sterile zone and additional zone of dormant buds in distal part in single instance for clones from extreme north population. It is quite possible that this zone is one of the ways to attenuate consequences of shoot frosting in severe north condition. Part of metamers that important for branching increases from south to north and this promote faster tree growth renewal after injure of shoot in nature and abundant branching of grafts in clone archive. Literature Goroshkevich S.N. Morphological structure and development of shoots of Pinus sibirica (Pinaceae) // Bot. Jour. 1994. – Vol. 79. – ¹ 5. – P. 63–71. Goroshkevich S.N., Popov A.G. Shoot structure of Russian species Pinus from group Cembrae (Pinaceae) // Bot. Jour. – 2004. – Vol. 89. – ¹ 7. – P. 1077–1092. Iroshnikov A.I. Geographical cultures of conifers in South Siberia // Geographical cultures and plantations of conifers in Siberia. – Novosibirsk: Nauka. – 1976. – P. 4–110. Kolegova N.F. Geographical grafting plantations of pines and cedar in Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe // Geographical cultures and plantations of conifers in Siberia. – Novosibirsk: Nauka. – 1976. – P. 154–166. Minina E.G. Morphogenesis of Siberian stone pine // Lesovedeniye. – 1971.– ¹ 4. – P. 27–36. Nekrasova T.P. Biological basis of Siberian stone pine seed productionã. – Novosobirsk, 1972. – 279 p.

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